QI Activities

QI Team

Mainly Focus on


2. EPHS Mapping

3. CME Trainings



Rapid Data Quality Assessment


Routine Service Quality Assessment

 focused on evaluating facility infrastructure, including patient care areas, sanitation, water supply, electricity, and overall clinic functionality.

reviewed the availability of key medical staff in the clinic. Critical gaps include the absence of a doctor, lab services, and dental care providers.

focused on hand hygiene, sharps disposal, cleaning protocols, instrument sterilization, waste management, and communicable disease prevention.

focused on patient communication, service availability, record-keeping, and diagnosis, highlighting gaps in immunization, TB treatment, and certain family planning methods.

 evaluates the effectiveness and timeliness of AIDS, TB, and Malaria services, highlighting gaps in TB diagnosis and HIV/AIDS care.

examines maternal and reproductive health services, highlighting a decline in performance and gaps in health workers’ maternity care knowledge

focuses on child health service quality, evaluating knowledge gaps, equipment shortages, and technical skills affecting effectiveness, timeliness, and efficiency.

evaluates the availability and completeness of data collection and reporting tools, identifying gaps in documentation, registration, and disease surveillance.

focus on the efficiency of medical stock management, storage conditions, and data accuracy. It identifies stock discrepancies, stockouts, and unrecorded temperature monitoring, impacting overall healthcare efficiency.

EPHS assessement

Essential Package Health Services

CME Trainings