Reproductive & Child Healthcare Program

Program Background

Recognizing that Burma has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in Southeast Asia and that deaths are significantly higher in rural areas, BMA aims to fill the gap in maternal and child healthcare services through the provision of high-quality reproductive and child healthcare. Further, to help ensure the availability of professional midwives and community health workers, BMA provides quarterly supervision and monitoring. Services provided through the RCH program include ANC, safe delivery services, PNC, neonatal care, short-term family planning, contraceptive services (including implants), health education and awareness-raising activities related to RCH, general medical care, referrals, and monthly nutrition support for pregnant women and up to 2 months post delivery.

Nutrition Support

In 2021, a total of 2275 pregnant women visited BMA covered clinics across the four townships, while in 2022 there was a total headcount of 2213 pregnant women at the clinics.

Nutrition support packages were distributed to the women that came to the clinics, with a total of 8523 packages distributed in 2021, and a total of 7862 packages distributed in 2022.

Health Awareness Session

BMA clinics conducted health awareness sessions using the standard health education handbook in 2021 and 2022. The training topics included danger signs during pregnancy, nutrition for pregnant women, breast feeding, family planning, immunizations for pregnant women, danger signs in newborn and post-natal care, and birth plans. 

Family Planning Resources

Patients that visited BMA covered clinics had access to many resources to aid in family planning.

In 2021, 118 implants were inserted, 3 emergency contraceptive pills were used, 709 combined oral contraceptive pill packages were provided (381users), 2244 condoms were distributed (73 users) and 2385 Depo injections were given.

In 2022, 86 implants were inserted, 933 combined oral contraceptive pill packages were provided (409 users), 1492 condoms were distributed (57users) and 1975 Depo injections were given.

Emergency Referral Support

There were a total of 297 emergency support referred cases across the four townships, with 145 cases in 2021 and 152 cases in 2022. Among them, 28% of the cases were secondary referrals. All of these referrals were done in line with the referral guidelines, providing support such as covering meal costs, transportation costs, medication costs and follow-up investigations. 89% of the cases in 2021 were referred to facilities in Myanmar and 11% were in facilities across the border. In 2022, those percentages were 41% and 59% respectively. A majority of the cases in the four townships were maternal care related, followed by emergency and critical care referrals.

SRHR Awareness Session

The sessions covering SRHR topics were conducted for CAY aged 10 to 24years old. In 2021, there were 1080 female participants and 882 maleparticipants aged 10 to 14. In 2022, there were 784 female participants and523 male participants in this age category.

For participants aged 15 to 24 years old, there were 1120 female and 857male individuals that joined the sessions in 2021. In 2022, 729 female participants and 508 male participants were in this age category.

RCH Indicators

2021 2022
2058 pregnant women attended atleast 1 ANC visit
1790 pregnant women attended at least 1 ANC visit
642 women attended at least 4ANC visits conducted byMCH/EmOC worker
796 women attended at least 4ANC visits conducted byMCH/EmOC worker
773 total deliveries in project area
685 total deliveries in project area
78.8% of deliveries had a TTBA inattendance
89.8% of deliveries had a TTBA inattendance
5.7% of delivered babies deliveredwere low birth weight (<2.5kg)
7.3% of delivered babies delivered were low birth weight (<2.5kg)
71% of women had postnatalcontact with health providerwithin 2 days of delivery
83.5% of women had postnatalcontact with health providerwithin 2 days of delivery
95 diarrhoea cases in childrenunder the age of five treated
92 diarrhoea cases in children under the age of five treated
304 pneumonia cases in children under the age of five treated
313 pneumonia cases in childrenunder the age of five treated
Support by BMA Database