Medical Care Program

Program Background

The Access to Health (2019-2023) program at BMA provides integrated healthcare services for vulnerable populations and migrant workers, as well as health care packages and training on malaria, TB, MCH and nutrition. BMA performs routine mobile outreach activities in hard-to-reach areas, and provides referral services for malaria, TB and nutrition.

The Population, Refugees, and Migration (2022-2025) project aims to initiate mental health basic health services and raise mental health awareness particularly in conflict-affected ethnic communities, surveillance of disease and pharmacy warehouse support.

The Border Consortium (2021-2024) is involved in the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, in addition to basic nutrition services, WASH (water, sanitation and hygiene), and upgrading of facilities.

Advancing Community Empowerment (2019-2021) project was completed providing organization development workshops, school health programs to 40 schools, and providing health screening and hygiene kits for the students. 

Health Education Sessions

BMA clinics conducted mobile outreach and health education sessions in targeted villages. Training topics covered a variety of health concerns relevant to local populations.

In 2021: 15270 people received education on malaria, 378 people received education on dengue fever, 242 people received education on filariasis, 636people received education on TB, 230 people received education on STIs/HIV, and 122 people received education on leprosy.

In 2022: 13348 people received education on malaria, 1891 people received education on dengue fever, 1464 people received education on filariasis, 1360 people received education on TB, 985 people received education on STIs/HIV, and 1240 people received education on leprosy.

Nutrition Activities for Children

Mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) measurements were taken of the children visiting the clinics to determine if they were malnourished(with an MUAC of 12.5cm being considered the threshold).

In 2021, 1169 children were screened in the four townships, and it was determined there were 29 cases of malnourishment. In 2022, 1563 children were screened, and 12 cases of malnourishment were diagnosed.


Covid 19 Response

In 2021, a total of 428 RDT and PCR tests were done, and 116 COVID-19new positive cases were identified. There were 8 patients that were referred to other health facilities, while 306 confirmed/suspected cases were treated by health workers. 476 cases resulted in quarantine at home, while 7 cases were quarantined at the health facilities. 15 cases received oxygen therapy,46 cases received medication, and the total of 5 deaths caused by COVID-19.

In 2022, a total of 666 RDT and PCR tests were done, and 228 COVID-19new positive cases were identified. 235 confirmed/suspected cases were treated by health workers. 487 cases resulted in quarantine at home, while30 cases were quarantined at the health facilities. 12 cases received medication, and there were no deaths caused by COVID-19.

Malaria Activities in Community

TB/Malaria/AM by BMA Database